Next weekend will mark the 146th anniversary of the 1863 Civil War engagement remembered today as the Battle of Arkansas Post.
A preliminary episode to Grant's Vicksburg Campaign, the battle was controversial even in its day. A massive Union force turned west from the Mississippi River to assault the Confederate post of Fort Hindman or Arkansas Post on the Arkansas River. The two day battle was fierce and involved both land and naval forces.
Beginning with the next post, I will begin a series retracing the history of this significant battle in the Arkansas Delta. Be sure to check back over coming days for the latest posts. In the meantime, you can always learn more by visiting www.exploresouthernhistory.com/arkansaspost.
I like Bearss's extensive article (also adapted for his 3 vol. Vicksburg series) on Arkansas Post well enough, but I hope someone does a book length study someday.
Drew, I know that Alan Thompson at Prairie Grove State Park is contemplating a book on actions along the Arkansas River during the war, but that's the only project I know of at this time. You are right, though, it would be a fascianting book.
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