This view, taken from the Battlefield Trail, at Prairie Grove shows the ground on which General F.J. Herron's Union forces formed before assaulting the Confederate positions on Prairie Grove Ridge.
The Union artillery formed in the distance shown here and began shelling the Confederates on the ridge while the infantry formed ranks.
In the early afternoon, the Union infantry advanced from right to left across the open ground seen here, taking heavy fire from the Confederates on the ridge. It was the first major assault of the Battle of Prairie Grove. Reaching about the position from which the photograph was taken, they began their push up the ridge into the face of fierce musketry from General Hindman's Confederates.
We will continue our tour of the Prairie Grove Battlefield as this week goes along, but in the meantime you can read and see more by visiting www.exploresouthernhistory.com. Just scroll down the page to the Index section and look for the "Battle of Prairie Grove" link under the "Arkansas" heading.
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