This view looking down the Battlefield Trail shows the ground across which the 19th Iowa Infantry charged during the attack on the Confederate right flank during the Battle of Prairie Grove, Arkansas.
The 19th charged from right to left across this ground, storming up the ridge that begins on the left side of the photograph.
Additional Union regiments were arrayed beyond the tree cover in the distance and joined in the attack, launched by General Francis Herron on the afternoon of December 7, 1862, in an unsuccessful effort to drive General Hindman's Confederates from their position on the ridge.
From this point, the trail leads on across the ground crossed by both Union attacks and Confederate counter-attacks throughout the afternoon of the 7th. We will continue with additional views and postings through tomorrow and you can also read and see more about the Prairie Grove battlefield by visiting www.exploresouthernhistory.com. When you get there, just scroll down the page to the Index section and look for the "Battle of Prairie Grove" link under the "Arkansas" heading.
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